
Felicia's Testimonial

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Felicia's Testimonial

One of our students wrote us this awesome letter:

"I tried learning German with many structured, well organised classes and after almost a year of taking them intensively, (and this was after several years of taking classes less intensively while working) I finally was quite positive I could not learn German fluently in any reasonable amount of time.  Then someone connected me to UNUmondo and it made all the difference.

By spending my learning time talking to a native German speaking Zurich local about topics that mattered to me without constant interruptions with distracting corrections I was finally able to grow.  I was able to get a feel for the language in a way not possible in a class. My fluency increased dramatically, very quickly. By having my locals take me to places that matched my interests, they opened up new avenues for me to practice my German on my own. More than that, they connected me to places and people I felt at home with.  My locals opened up whole new parts of Zürich for me that would have taken me years to find alone. They made me feel comfortable speaking German and thus willing to practice it all the time in my daily life.

The coaching sessions were equally important for my language acquisition as I really had become so frustrated learning German.  I had put so much effort into trying to learn grammar and vocabulary in classes but so little of it seemed to stick. I was at the point of giving up.  Through coaching, Larissa helped me let go of my negative mindset and become positive about learning again and it made a complete difference.

I recommend UNUmondo for anyone trying to learn German here in Swiss Zürich. But if you are feeling stuck and frustrated and at the point of giving up, really give it one more try with UNUmondo.  It is a way to naturally connect with the Swiss culture and language in a way that personally suits you. All the best learning German!"

- Felicia, primary and middle school educator

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