Become an Unu Mondo Language & Integration Coach

Help people belong.

Be part of
revolutionising language
learning. It’s all about
human connection.

Are you also naturally someone who builds bridges, who is longing to be your authentic self at work, who thrives with freedom, wants to grow personally and enjoys supporting, yet also learning from other humans and their stories?

We are mainly located in Basel and Zurich, also in other major cities in Switzerland, as well as partially online.

The Unu Mondo
German & Swiss German Coach

The situation

International people in Switzerland often stay in their bubbles sometimes for years because they find it difficult to feel really at home here. One of the reasons is that conventional German classes help to pass an exam, yet not to live life.

It is usually an unnecessary grammar cramp, they learn things that are not applicable for their lives, get frustrated on the way and ultimately lack a sense of belonging or opportunities to be part of the society.

Your job

In private sessions, you teach your learners German or Swiss German in a natural and fun way: applied in real life, outside the classroom. With beginners, you go to the supermarket, to a restaurant, to the bakery, etc.

With advanced learners, you enjoy exciting activities or have conversations about your common passions and interests. You create a fully personalised language and integration experience. 


  • are an open and honest person
  • have a capacity of min. five hours a week 
  • are highly reliable
  • think outside the box
  • actually care
  • are native in German or Swiss German
  • speak fluent English
  • have a very high language affinity
  • are patient, attentive and vital
  • question conventional teaching methods
  • know Swiss culture & traditions (not in detail) 
  • are a natural at teaching
  • have lived abroad (big plus, not a must)

Way more than just teaching language.

1 Apply now

The first step is to take time for the application form. We don’t need your fully detailed CV nor a conventional motivation letter. We have specific questions we ask, so we can get a feeling for who you are and whether we are a match.

2 Get trained

You don’t have to be a coach yet, you will be trained in the Unu Mondo method to become one. We foster an ongoing learning journey and a supportive environment. Everything we do at Unu Mondo is always applicable to other parts in life. If you want to continuously learn and grow, this is for you.

3 Become part of the community

Human connection is one of our main pillars at Unu Mondo. As you work fully independently with your coachees, we make sure everyone feels belongingness to the team. We have regular coach community calls, get togethers, trainings and simply moments of true connection. Yet the community also goes beyond just the coach team, and includes customers and just simply people who share the the same values or join our workshops & events.

4 Be the change

We are not only about learning the language in a more natural way, or helping others to belong. We want to set a tone for how things can be done differently – in a way that honors life. 

Become an Unu Mondo
Language & Integration Coach

Coaches love Unu Mondo

I joined in 2019 and really enjoy working with Unu Mondo because it is so versatile. As with traveling, there are always many ways to reach a destination. Through Unu Mondo, I meet new and interesting people again and again. They all have the overarching goal of wanting to learn German. A journey, that is a little different with every customer! I could publish a book with the experiences from past years that have shaped these different paths to that same destination. Lots of shared laughter, sometimes tears, funny, sad and many interesting topics, but above all so many small and big successes crown every single customer program. Unumondo is much more than simply learning a language: Unumondo means building a relationship with new people through language and that brings a lot of joy!
Being a part of the Unu Mondo team has been a totally different experience for me from any other company. Unu Mondo’s culture is friendly, human and organic, both internally between coaches and management, and externally towards clients. This is only possible through the high standards we have for mutual respect, empathy and work ethic.

The whole team is laser focused on creating a satisfying process and end results for clients (not just putting in hours on the clock), all while allowing and even encouraging(!) coaches to maintain their individual full authenticity and personality. Because authenticity and personality is prioritized, creating meaningful connections and fun sessions with clients I’m matched with becomes easy. This system, combined with being able to create my own schedule with clients is what allows work to feel like play. I feel freedom, joy, and actually look forward to sessions with all my different clients and co-creating their progress and growth.
Working at Unu Mondo feels very nourishing to me because I keep meeting new, exciting and inspiring people and can engage in emotional and intellectual exchanges with them. Within a short space of time, a relationship is built that learns from each other on different levels and always has the joy of learning right in front of its eyes. My social and cognitive skills are strengthened by the work itself, but also by the various exchange opportunities with the entire Unu Mondo team. Being part of it is very motivating, because I am given so much energy and authenticity, which is coupled with intrinsic motivation to weld the world together into a more interconnected, cooperative and harmonious whole. This vision that small, jointly created spaces and connections will create trust and mutual understanding for a shared future is deeply ingraned in Unu Mondo, its people and its teachings.
Schedule time with me